Department Of Science & Technology, Delhi


Note :

1. DST Deihi has set up a Shared Research Infrastructure for Science, Technology and Innovation (SRISTI). The goal is to have all DST funded facilities listed on the single portal so that users may know about them and seek access in a systematic and transparent manner.

2. Using common login , User can send request for any SAIF Centre all over India.

3. Creation of login will be done using this SRISTI Web Portal .

4. Registration for analysis will be done using Individual SAIF Website using common login created by SRISTI web portal.

5. Currently We started for SAIF, IIT Bombay, SAIF Chandigarh, SAIF Guwahati, SICART VIdyanagar, SAIF Patna , SAIF Dharwad & SAIF Shillong .

6. SAIF, Delhi, SAIF Lucknow and SAIF bangalore having their own Online Portal.

7. We will start one by one for all other SAIF Centres shortly.

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